Sedentary Jobs: Risk of Getting Fatter at work. Beware!
A recent study conducted by the company Harris Interactive has shown a list of sedentary jobs that increase the chances to gain weight.
To carry out the investigation, according to Aweita, they surveyed 5,700 workers.
They obtained a striking result in terms of the amount that claims to have raised their weight since they obtained their last job.
While many of them are aware of this and claim to have sought solutions in professional hands or self-employed either gymnasiums and diets, the basis of the problem seems to be related to certain eating behavior.
This is, for example, eating food to calm the stress while they are working and remain seated most of the day.
Also, eat out of hours and without regularity.
The catering that is consumed freely in some offices, either as attention to staff or because each brings something to share, is another of the reasons put forward by those affected.
Next, we show you which are the 10 jobs that have thrown the most amount of overweight problems.
Secretary or administrative assistant
The stereotype that links the secretaries as women of slim figure, high waist, and slender body are falling with this information.
69% of administrative assistants are overweight, which makes this type of work the most fattening of everyone.
Commercial Agent
These workers do not depend on home-cooked food but are almost always in meetings with clients, where there is no lack of lunch or dinner to make them close an important contract.
Lawyer – Judge
The work of these people needs absolute dedication because the study and interpretation of the laws are constant.
Although it is good for memory, it is not good for the body because it is in a sedentary state.
Factory worker
The workers to spend long hours sitting making the assembly of products that come out of the machines is really stressful and limiting.
In an assembly line, only a physiological need saves you.
The percentage of overweight workers is 45%.
Children are very much associated with the stress they can cause in their teachers and now this is compounded by the overweight they can also suffer.
According to the study, one in two teachers is overweight and this is also due to poor eating habits.
Artist – Designer – Architect
Although the contrary is believed, artists, designers, and architects tend to gain overweight.
According to research published in the International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, the percentages of overweight among health professionals are around 50%.
Contradictory, right?
Police officers, firefighters, and security guards present the highest levels of obesity in all professions, because is one of the most sedentary jobs.
According to a study by The Wall Street Journal, 40.7% of policemen, firefighters and security guards are overweight.
Public Relations or dircom
Although these professionals must take care of their image this does not happen like that, because it is in the ranking of the jobs where more weight is gained.
More than 30% suffer from problems associated with obesity.
This employment demands that the specialist spend hours in front of the screen because the development of computer programs requires a high concentration.
Also, many hours without looking up from the formulas or codes so as not to make a single mistake.
Therefore, if you are one of those who eat junk food, you are condemned to the extra weight.
56% of engineers have increased several pounds in weight because of their work.
Now, tell us, have you ever experienced the living of sedentary jobs? Any solutions or recommendations?