Why You Should Exercise at Christmas
Christmas holidays are the best excuse to spend time with family and friends, and when they are coming we can only imagine in all the delicious plates and drinks that await us.
Now, what we don’t really stop to think that much is in all the work we have been doing during the year, attempting eating healthy and having the healthiest lifestyle as possible including daily exercises that we add to our routine and which we fight so hard to make them part of our day by day.
Of course, we can tell that this is not the common denominator and that the truth is that it is very difficult for a lot of people to make the exercise a regular habit. Whatever is your situation, foods, and excesses without a balance can pass facture later in your organism.
Many times we associate Christmas holidays, Thanksgiving, or any other that goes with spending resting time, with total sedentary routine, and this is the principal mistake we can make, because with give a complete twist to our routine and abandoning all the activities we used to do for months, without being conscious of the consequence of it.
Exercise Effects
If you analyze it from retrospective, you are not conscious of all the times you have said something like “Why am I going to do exercises if holidays are coming? I’ll better start on new year” or the times we have associated holidays with anything but doing something really productive for our wellbeing or maybe just maintaining active physically. You will be shocked after you read what’s coming next.
Thanks to “The Journal of Physiology” a study was made on a 26 healthy individuals group, which half of them were supervised while they were on a diet in which they had to consume 50% more of calories and they had to carry a sedentary lifestyle that didn’t go further 4000 steps for day, with the objective to create an energy exceeding. While the other half of the group was solicited to consume 75% more of calories but they must do 45 minutes run every day.
The study was made during a week, at the beginning of the week the analysts took glucose samples and little abdominal fat samples from the volunteers, and then they did the same procedure at the end of the study.
As result, they obtained that the differences between the groups were huge: the group tagged as “inactive” showed a significate variation in their metabolism inclining to the less healthy side, the levels of glucose in blood (glycemia) where really high, and the fat cells (lipids) showed a genes overexpression due to the nutritional unbalance.
On the contrary, the other group which did high-intensity exercise, their levels of glycemia were stable and although their lipid cells presented a change in their gene expression as well, were less harmful than the ones shown in the group of individuals that remained sedentary.
This way, they demonstrated that energetic exercise balances must part of the consequences of short-term supercharging. Equally, this investigation show exercise has positive effects, even when energy stocked inactive form and we gain weight.
Why is Difficult to Exercise in Holidays?
There are so many reasons why exercise and nutritional regimes are broken up for the period of holidays. So many people commonly make extended distance travel and the related jet lag, interference with common schedules, engaging visitors, extra tasks as well as the over-all holiday ether all make it very hard to stay encouraged and preserve exercise the main concern.
Holidays can be a very demanding time and for a lot of people, it can also be a very sad time of the year, particularly those with damaged homes or those who have lost someone they love. Collecting evidence submits that working out has antidepressant potentials; meaningfully reducing stress and anxiety and fighting the hurtful concerns of stress on feelings, physical and mental healthiness.
Even though the mechanism underlying the beneficial effects has not been reputable due to the complex association between working out and depression, exercise has been exposed to recover depressive warning sign and a privation of workout has been revealed to upsurge sadness. Also, persons that implement a physically energetic lifestyle are less probable to grow depressive signs.
A spiteful cycle consequence may occur between the two where an initial absence of physical activity can stimulate feelings of lethargy, culpability and unpleasantness which can incline a person to turn out to be more unhappy which in turn have an emotional impact in incentive to begin an exercise routine and so on and so forth.
This could explicate why it is so hard to start over an exercise program after taking a break over the holiday time and highpoints the significance of preserving good practices over this time.
Tips to Keep in Form and Enjoy Holidays
- Make 5 little meals during the day. If you have planned to delight you with a full meal, try to reduce complex carbohydrates intakes in the rest of the meals. Try that those are base-plant foods, good fats, proteins and fruits in the mornings.
- If the full meal was during the day, try your dinner to be lighter, concentrating vegetables and proteins. Evade refined sugars, canned food, cereals, and starched carbohydrates.
- Is very important to maintain hydrated, at least 3 liters of water per day. This way the appetite is controlled and the anxiety too and you won’t eat excesses during the day.
- Make your exercise routine every day, is recommendable to do a combination of dumbbells and cardiovascular to maintain your physical condition and burn those extra calories you’ll consume on December or thanksgiving. If you cannot combine with dumbbells, do any physical activity that you like and you’d exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes a day and your body will be thankful for that.
It’s normal to be unable to find interest for working out over the holiday times but try not to let this disappoint you. Adapting your routine a little will preserve you dynamic and you will be more likely to be inspired in the New Year.