The Importance of Good Sleep for a Good Health
Sleeping is a biological cyclic condition of resting for mind and body, additionally getting a high-quality sleep at night makes you feel revitalized for a new day. If you analyze it from retrospective, getting a good 7-8 hours’ sleep goes further than just preparing our body for the following day, an acceptable sleep is important for a good health and it’s because all body functions depend from it to guarantee an improved mental and physical fitness. Reports from The National Sleep Foundation (NFS) have shown that good sleep is necessary for a human being’s wellness and health.
How Much Sleep is enough to Be Considered as a Good Sleep?
Even though it’s proved that most adults demand a high-quality sleep of 7-8 hours on a normal schedule at night and that is enough to be considered as healthy, it’s not just about the total hours of sleep but good quality sleep on a regular schedule that matters so you feel revitalized when you wake up. As soon as you feel you can’t get enough sleep or you have trouble sleeping you must consider doing some changes in your routine a consulting your doctor.
Due to the body requirements, kids need more hours of sleep than adults. It depends on the age:
- Babies: between 12 and 16 hours of sleep a day (including naps)
- Toddlers: between 11 and 14 hours of sleep a day (including naps)
- Preschoolers: between 10 and 13 hours of sleep a day (including naps)
- School-aged: between 9 and 12 hours of sleep a day (including naps)
- Teens: between 8 and 10 hours of sleep a day (including naps)
Does It Really Matter When We Sleep?
Of course, and the principal mechanism that is controlled by our sleep is our biological clock, it’s assembled corresponding of daylight where we live. This helps us innately get sleepy at night and stay alert throughout the day. When a person works at night and sleeps during the day, he or she may have trouble getting sufficient sleep, but the truth is that the sleep at day is not the same that the sleep at night due to different biological factors.
Sleep plays a vital role in your health and wellbeing all the way through your life. Getting sufficient good quality sleep has several welfares, counting caring your mental and physical condition, quality of life and personal wellbeing. Some facts that show why sleep does matter are:
- Sleep aids to make body repairs: When we sleep our body heal injury produced by stress, ultraviolet rays and other damaging contacts and this is because our body produces additional proteins when we sleep, these proteins form the structure blocks of cells, letting them renovate damage. While we sleep cells go through wear and tear and that’s why we feel refreshed in the new day.
- Preserves Your Heart Healthy: Experts say that heart will be in good health if one gets between 7 to 9 hours of sleep for each night, this is because it has been related with the deterioration of cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Reduces Depression: Sleep increases serotonin ranks, called feel-good hormone as well, which have an emotional impact in the mood of a person and this why privation of appropriate sleep and depression is inter-linked. Depression may precede to sleeplessness and absence of sleep upsurges depression.
- Reduces Stress: you go into a state of stress when you don’t sleep enough, for that reason, it is suggested to have decent sleep in order to let your body to get by with day’s tension and achieve it in a recovered way with a comfortable mind. It has been demonstrated that any quantity of sleep deficiency decreases mental performances.
- Weight Loss: The appetite-regulating hormones are affected when you don’t sleep enough, it also influences the organism’s capability to control blood sugar ranks, which has an important role in weight control and worsens desires for carbohydrates rich and high-fat foods, making a way to gain weight. So you need to make sure you get a worthy sleep every night if you want to be on a healthy weight.
Why is Difficult for Me to Fall Sleep?
There are many factors that control our sleep:
- Some medicines: when you’re under medicine control and you have problems to fall asleep, you must consult your doctor to evaluate what is happening in your organism and why is it responding that way to certain pills.
- Alcohol and other drugs: the excesses aren’t good and when our body receives high quantities of these toxic elements it is going to develop some responses to it, being the sleep disorder one of them.
- Caffeine: some beverages as coffee, tea and soda contain this stimulant and they are the principal common drink in America, and they don’t have secondary effects in must people that consume them, but due to every organism is different they respond different to this stimulant and some people do have problems in concerning sleep when they consume it.
- Anxiety or stress: is the most common reason why is difficult to a person to fall a sleep, overthinking at night of all the work you have, or family problems, including pending bills to pay creates stress that free cortisol hormone that also brings chemical reactions in our body.
- Certain health conditions: like heartburn or asthma, may control our sleep too.
This Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep
The sleep debt is the total sleep lost when you frequently aren’t receiving an adequate amount of sleep, your sleep loss enhances up. Let’s say that you miss 1 hour of sleep every night, that way you’ll have a sleep debt of 7 hours a week.
Such as in having an accident, the damage produced by not getting sufficient sleep can be instantaneous due to not being capable to center and respond rapidly. Other special effects such as an improved risk of acquiring a chronic health problem can take years to develop.
Privation of sleep can cause Trouble focusing and poor memory, morning headaches, chronic health complications like diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases, excessive daytime sleepiness, tiredness and lethargy and increased risk of alcohol and drug dependency, relationship problems and others.
What You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep
Set a Bedtime routine
Try to go to bed at the same time each night, get the same total of sleep every night, and evade talking on the phone or reading in bed, and evade using smartphones or computers at bedtime.
Make a Good Sleep Environment
Keep your bedroom quiet and dark and consider to keep your electronic devices out of your bedroom.
Change your routine During the Day
try to plan your physical movement for earlier in the day and not before you go to sleep, although this is relative according to each person because some people go better exercising late at night while other goes better early in the morning, so is relative. If you drink alcohol, drink in restraint. You shouldn’t eat big meals near bedtime. Try to spend some time in the open air every day.
Little changes on your routine will create good habits when sleeping bringing many benefits to your health and wellbeing.