Books for Entrepreneurs That Everyone Should Read to Get a Good Start
Do you want to start a business or an enterprise but don’t know how? These books for entrepreneurs will help you to boost that idea in your head and make it a total success.
Entrepreneurs show us a majestic library of books for big minds who are just starting to plane.
Business Model Generation
This book by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur presents analysis and tools so that you can develop new business models based on the most innovative proposals that succeed in the global market.
The book aims to teach in a very practical way to understand, design and apply these new business models.
For this, the authors, both professors at the University of Lausanne, in France, have used the collaboration of 470 expert strategists around the world.
Reading this book can be a useful tool for times of change like the current one.
It is not merely a conventional book, it is a practical guide on business innovation.
This is useful for dynamic people, entrepreneurs, professionals, and advocates of efficiency and permanent improvement.
Resisting change and stay in the comfort zone to which we are accustomed to the daily routine and habits, is the natural tendency.
Surely, most of the time, changes are only accepted when they are taxed.
Psychologists talk about two different mechanisms in our brain when it comes to making decisions about change: the rational and the emotional.
Indeed, the brothers Chip and Dan Heath, explain in this book how to align these two brain mechanisms, both of equal importance, to eradicate the fear of change when we are aware that it is necessary to promote it to transform something that does not work as it should.
The Lean Startup
This method, recommended above all for startups, allows realizing the Minimum Viable Product at low cost to prototype.
After the launching of the product, and have confirmed acceptance in the market, accelerate the manufacturing process and capital search.
Eric Ries defines a startup as a business organization that creates something in conditions of extreme uncertainty.
The Lean Startup method was originally applied to technology-based companies located in Silicon Valley.
Now, it has been extended to any type of organization anywhere in the world.
This philosophy seeks to eliminate what it considers to be inefficient practices, such as stopping excessively in a business plan.
Better, focusing on producing something that the market likes.
Dealing with Darwin
Geoffrey A, Moore starts by establishing a parallel between the laws of nature and the species settled by Darwin and the business world.
In both cases, only those that adapt to the environment survive.
In the same way, innovation is a need to adapt to changes.
The other issue is that innovation, without more, does not make much sense if we are not able to avoid inertia, that is, fighting only for those initiatives that really contribute significant advantages to our products or services.
Start reading these books for entrepreneurs, to get the light of innovation.
Later, we are gonna show you some more to keep your ideas and business growing up.