How Alcohol Can Ruin Your Life if You Do not Use it correctly
It is undisputable the pleasurable effects of alcohol, when you start drinking alcohol you feel stress-free, happy, confident and sociable. Which makes it easy to be unable to remember about the damaging effects: confused thinking, poor judgment, prejudice motor functions, reduced reflexes, downgraded coordination, and many other more deficiencies.
All these effects take place just the very first time you start drinking, even just a single beer. The negative effects will be stronger according to the amount of alcohol you consume and those you thought were pleasurable effects will not be pleasurable anymore due to they will begin fade quickly.
The organism becomes damage from drinking over time, even more than you think, even causing several types of cancer.
Alcohol effects go further physical effects bringing psychological effects to your health as well, anxiety, depression, violent behavior, social withdrawal, suicide, domestic aggression are some of them. Every part of the body is affected by alcohol ingest, liver, brain, stomach, lungs and other organs.
If you pretend to carry a healthy diet to live a greater lifestyle, there are important things you need to know about alcohol and all the consequences it carries, but most important is to learn how to live in balance and without going to extreme decisions.
What Happens When You Drink Alcohol
You may not believe it but from the very first sip of alcohol that enters your body, around 34% of it is absorbed instantly into the blood, throughout the stomach lining. The residual alcohol is absorbed more gently into the blood, in the course of the small intestine.
When alcohol accesses the bloodstream, it is defused into practically every tissue in the organism; this is due to the high permeability of the cells. It doesn’t look innocent anymore, does it?
When you drink more alcohol than your organism can tolerate, your blood alcohol levels (BAL) will intensify. Moreover, the effects will vary depending on some characteristics including, age, height, weight, gender, general health, body composition, genetic diseases, even existence of drugs or other medicaments.
Regardless, the presence of alcohol in the blood is toxic and will have its effects. A higher BAL represents more risk. This is why the suggested maximum consumption of alcohol is two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women. Drinking more than this indicates problematic drinking.
There Will Be Some Effects If You Abuse of Alcohol
According to the organ that is affected, some of the consequences excess are:
- Alcohol inhibits with the brain communication trails and can distress the way the brain looks and function. These interferences can vary the mood and actions, and make it more difficult to think lucidly and move with direction.
- Arrhythmias, strokes, high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy are some of the consequences that alcohol intakes bring to the heart and circulatory system.
- In addition, the liver is damaged by alcohol intakes, causing fibrosis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis and steatosis also called fatty liver.
- The pancreas may start to create some toxic elements that can, in the end, lead to pancreatitis.
- There is a huge association of alcohol and several types of cancer-based on many research studies: head and neck cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, and others.
- The immune system is weakened by alcohol ingest too. Drinking too much in a single occasion decelerates your organism’s capability to fight against any infections – still 24 hours after becoming drunk.
There are some other consequences you will notice them more easily, and it is that when you
are having a recurrent alcohol consumption, all your lifestyle is affected:
- You can start being sleepy at work or studies, decreasing your development capability in your common activities.
- You’ll feel more exhausted than usual, not being able to do exercises you were used to or simple activities like taking your dog out.
- Your sex development can be affected too; all those toxins in your body may affect your hormonal balance bringing in behavior changes and sex capability decreasing.
Alcohol as Diet Enemy
Drinks with alcohol are the principal sabotage to your diet, not just because of the empty calories they contain but because it dehydrates and make metabolism become slower, abdomen starts to accumulate fat and the muscle reduces in size.
Many people get frustrated after they do extreme diets with no results when the reality is that is impossible to lose weight while in presence of alcohol. It contains seven calories per gram.
The problem is that the liver cannot metabolize fat and alcohol at the same time; it chooses just one instead, the toxic one, which is the alcohol.
Which means your body stops burning fat and it accumulates in different tissues while there are alcohol residues in your organism, your body might burn fat again four days after the alcohol intake.
Many people associate drinking alcohol with cellulitis, due to one of the principal consequences of alcohol ingest is fat deposits retention and accumulation in all the body.
Some advice after alcohol ingest:
- Sleep well
- Maintain hydrated, drink more water than you are used to, remember that alcohol dehydrates.
- Eat clean to contrasts the effect, eat many vegetables rich in water and choose the green ones, which contain hundreds of antioxidants, e.g. cucumber.
- Drink green tea to accelerate your metabolism.
Follow these tips to get rid of possible alcohol toxins remaining in your body.
How is that Alcohol Affects my Diet?
As it was said before, after your two first drinks, your organism starts to get rid of the alcohol, in that process, the alcohol obtains two subproducts: acetaldehyde and acetate, both are toxic. The body sees these products as an enemy, and it wants to use them as combustible to get them out of your system as soon as possible.
That means your body is going to decrease fat burning, 75% approximately after two drinks. It also stops using carbs as gasoline.
Now, it doesn’t mean your body retains alcohol as fat (unless you drink too much = any excess of calories is transformed in fat). What really happens is that the carbs and fat you are consuming have a higher risk to remain stocked as fat.
As your metabolism turns slower, you get disinhibited and you are more likely to eat more; this is what prejudice the most because your organism is not going to burn any of that, everything is going to be stocked as fat.
What You Can Do
- You don’t have to quit alcohol if you want to maintain your figure; you can drink one or two times a week in moderation.
- The day you’re planning to drink try to eat very healthy, low carbs and low fat, remember you’re including another “macro” that normally isn’t in your diet, the alcohol, and this won’t’ let that carb and fat you’re consuming to be used in a good way.
- Take care of mixed drinks; you might consume many calories in just one drink.
- Work out the day you are going to drink, that way you will download glycogen stockpile, carbs you consume will be more likely to stocked in glycogen form that in fat form.
- Choose wines, champagnes, whiskey, and tequila.
Alcohol is not pleasant to the body. Although your mind may catch it effects fun, your organism doesn’t. Science has not completely understood hangovers, which cannot be good.
Blackouts are very usual and are in fact attacks of amnesia. Alcohol poisoning is uncontrollable, and more than ten kinds of cancer can because by extreme drinking.
Drink all with moderation and responsibility.
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