
Keto Diet: All You Should Know About This Nutritional Plan

When it comes to getting healthier and fit, new diets and exercises put on the trends. And right now, that’s the case with Keto diet.

Corresponding to Diet Doctor, keto diet or ketogenic diet is a nutritional plan very low in carbohydrates, which converts the body into a fat burning machine.

Some people recommend it as it has many potential benefits for weight loss, health, and athletic performance, and there are millions of people who have already experienced them.

In an opposed way, although, on this diet, the intake of carbs is limiting, the intake of fats is very high, almost to 75% in total.

keto diet
Photography: Internet

How does keto diet work?

This diet causes the production of small molecules of energy that is called “ketones” or “ketone bodies”.

Ketones are produced when you eat too few carbohydrates, which decompose very quickly in blood sugar, and only moderate amounts of protein.

Aucal explains that with this process the liver stops consuming glucose as a form of energy to replace it with the one that comes from fat.

The body enters into a state of “ketosis”, by which the reserves of fat in the body are converted into these ketones, which nourish the muscles and the brain instead of glucose, as an alternative fuel for the body.

The result is relatively quick fat burning and weight loss compared to a traditional diet.

Foods you can eat on a keto diet

Eat real low-carbohydrate foods such as meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, dried fruits and nuts, vegetables, especially green and leafy, high-fat dairy products and natural fats, like butter or olive oil.

Avoid foods filled with sugar and starch, including bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. All these are higher in carbohydrates.

Drinks, you can include water, coffee, and tea.

And, if you want to try some chocolate, be sure it’s dark and more than 70% cocoa.

keto diet
Photography: Internet

Pros and cons

The keto diet reduces appetite and it’s weight loss, according to Aucal.

It can increase energy and improve good mood, and, better than anything, allows the ingestion of foods high in fat. Other diets don’t.

Improves blood glucose levels for people with diabetes.

Reduces triglycerides and increases good cholesterol.

Against all these good things, there are some consequences that we need to say.

Its contribution of vitamins, minerals, and fiber is very low, caused by the limits on the intake of fruits and vegetables.

It might generate episodes of constipation and other adverse effects such as cramps, halitosis or asthenia.

You can end up consuming too much and not losing any weight, while the body can develop insulin resistance. Be careful with that!

Like with any other nutritional plan, you have to be cautious with it, especially if you have health conditions. Don’t do it just for fashion and always go to a nutritionist to guide you.

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