Raising a Child with a Disability? Try These Recommendations on How to Act
When you raise a child with a disability, the family feels that the diagnosis represents a storm in their lives.
The parents go through several psychological and emotional stages that vary according to the case, although they have similarities from the moment of diagnosis.
These stages are considered as a duel, experienced by the parents from the first moment.
This is a process divided into several phases until the moment of acceptance of the child’s disability arrives.
Now, according to Incluyeme.com, the process go through in the following order.
This stage occurs when parents learn of their child’s disability, and is characterized by their insistence on holding onto the idea that the diagnosis is not correct.
They also refuse any idea that affirms reality.
Parents may blame each other for the child’s disability, or the doctor, religion, life, even the own child or could create any other factor.
This behavior is due to the impotence they fell because of guilt or even shame.
At this stage, the parents probably do not accept the diagnosis 100%, but they already feel more comfortable talking about the subject.
These conversations are placed with the doctor or the child and bring a new phase of awakening in themselves.
Parents now could have interest in to know the disability and how they can handle it.
This normal phase is caused because parents feel exhausted on a physical and mental level, expressing discouragement.
¡Final stage!
Parents and family accept all or part of their child’s disability and deal with it.
Although, in some cases, the stages repeat, since each person experiences and work on this y different ways.
What can you do when you have a child with a disability?
Parents and relatives of children with disability go through the process mentioned above.
This could lead us to get help and get an assertive position, but in some cases, don’t.
Often is not know what actions to take to support the child who needs attention.
First of all, much love, understanding, and comprehension.
In addition, here are a few recommendations that can help you with this:
Document yourself about your child’s disability
One first step is going to the educational center and talking with the child’s teacher.
Also, search on the web and consulting with professionals, to have more clear ideas.
In these cases, the more knowledge you have, the more you can help your child.
Know your child’s rights
Each country has its laws regarding disability.
That is why is good that you investigate. Try the internet, go to the library…
This learning will help the child into their daily performance and their integration into society.
Establish positive relationships with the teacher and school staff
Communicate. Communicate is the key to this.
Exchange information regularly about your child’s progress both at home and school will be very helpful.
Meet the teacher and team charged of special education area, to develop plans to address the educational needs of the child.
Plus, also attend meetings with other parents in order to share advice and create emotional support.
Be patient with your child
Keep in mind that disability can be difficult for a child when performing in some areas.
There are things they can not control and the child will need your support and tolerance.
Focus on the potential and the interests of your child
Accompanying and guiding him/her through the learning process.
Encourage him/her to do activities that the child likes and offer the opportunity to explore them and learn through them.