Are You and Immigrant Looking for a Job? These Are Your Choices in US
If you are an immigrant then you represent around 16,7% of the workforce in The United States.
In numbers, that’s around 25 million who contributes to the economy and progress of the country in several working areas.
Fields, sciences, industries, technology, and education.
According to Statista, in a report from Vive Usa, more than 123 million people in The United States have a job with more than 35 hours a week.
Otherwise, unemployment has decreased below 6%.
Now, where are all these immigrants working? We will show you.
Administrative positions
Immigrants execute administrative work, such as bank employers, postman or postwoman, receptionists, and accountants are ones of the jobs in the area.
These positions are performed for around 8% of immigrants.
Food production
7,9% of immigrants work in jobs as butchers, bakers and articles production related to this area.
Pilots, hostess, taxi drivers and more are positions execute by 7,5% born out of The United States.
Food industry
Cooks, waiters, and waitresses, barmen, baristas become 7,1% of the workforce of this industry.
Health care specialties
5,2% of doctors, paramedics, dentists, therapists, and pharmaceuticals are immigrants doing this job with great responsibility.
Finances experts
Tax preparers, auditors and real estate appraisers are represented by 3,6% of immigrants.
Mechanics and technicians
3% of immigrants work repairing motors, cars, airplanes, etc…
Other Trades
There’s a lot to do in The United States where an immigrant has the opportunity to develop their skills. Some of the other professions you can develop are on this list below.
Programmers and mathematicians 4,3%
Professors and librarians 3,5%
Support on health care 2,7%
Architects and engineers 2,2%
Farmers and fishers 1,8%
Artists and athletes 1,4%
Scientific 1,2%
Security 0,9%
Did we miss a trade? Tell us!