
15 Tricks to Keep your Memory Sharp

You can improve your memory by two simple actions: 1) by recovering your brain condition, and 2) using memory abilities. These are simpler to do than you could think, still, you have to do the effort.

If you’re looking to preserve and improve our memory, here are 12 advice for you to achieve it.

The meeting will be held on Monday, when more than 10,000 guests Cisco 300-101 Dump will gather in New York. Tami Joan stared at the billboard – black, white and yellow, all smiling and waved. However, this painting seems to be something not quite right. The proportions and color of the SSCP PDF Testprepwell characters are ignored, Learnguidepdf and each face looks the same pale. Tami Joan murmured Dead. They are galloping along the wide freeway. Under the lights, the road reflects a disturbing yellow Cisco 300-101 Dump light. They passed the old Navys naval port and again passed the Brooklyn Ferry Terminal. John finally stopped talking, pulled out a calculator from Texas Instruments, and started ticking some numbers. Tami Joan leaned back on the back of the chair looking out over foggy sidewalks and gloomy Cisco 300-101 Dump faces of those who sat Testprepwell on the brownstone porch overlooking the highway. In the heat, they seem to be in a semi-lethargic state. Taxi SSCP PDF Learnguidepdf is also very hot. Tami Joan reaches for the Testprepwell window button and wants to lower the window a little. The window did not Learnguidepdf respond, but she did not feel surprised. She reached out across John and went to the other side of the window, but he was over there too. At this moment 1Z0-808 dumps she noticed that the door locks on both sides had disappeared. Testprepwell Not even the door. She groping at the door with her hand to find the remnants of the broken door handle. Nothing at all – as if someone had sawn it 1Z0-808 dumps with a hacksaw. 1Z0-808 dumps What happened John asked. Well, this car door how do we open it Just as John looked around the door, the logo for the Midtown Tunnel flashed past. Hi Learnguidepdf John tapped the partition. You forgot to bend, where are you going Maybe he wants to Testprepwell go to the Queensboro Bridge, Tameng conjectured. Although the road to go the bridge more distant, but can escape the tunnel toll station. She Testprepwell sat forward and SSCP PDF beat the plexiglass with the SSCP PDF ring on her hand. Do you want to go that bridge The driver ignored them. Hi Not long after, they passed 1Z0-808 dumps through the entrance to the Queensboro Bridge again. Damn John shouted. Where are Testprepwell you going to bring Cisco 300-101 Dump us Harlem I bet he is going to take us to Harlem. Tami Joan looks out the window. A car is moving forward with them and slowly over them. She patted the window. Help She shouts, Help The drivers car glanced at her inadvertently, then glanced, frowned. He slowed 1Z0-808 dumps down and followed behind them. But then suddenly a taxi abrupt, down the exit ramp down the highway, into Queens. Taxis turn into an alley, galloping over an abandoned warehouse district, at a speed of at least 60 miles. Learnguidepdf What do you want to do Tamijong tapped the Learnguidepdf partition. Open slow Where is this Oh, God No John murmured, Look The driver did Testprepwell not know 1Z0-808 dumps when to wear a ski boot. What do you want Shouted Tarim Joan. Do you want money We give you money. The man on the front seat remained silent. Tami Joan opened SSCP PDF the bag and removed her black laptop. She leaned back Testprepwell to the side of the window and hit the window hard with Learnguidepdf a laptop corner. The Cisco 300-101 Dump Cisco 300-101 Dump huge noise seemed Cisco 300-101 Dump to have shocked the driver on the front seat, but the windowpane was fine. Taxi suddenly biased, almost hit the brick wall of the SSCP PDF roadside buildings. Give you money SSCP PDF How much I can give you a lot of money John cried angrily, Learnguidepdf tears flowing down his obese cheeks. Tami Joan again smashed the window with the computer. The screen of the 1Z0-808 dumps computer flew out of the huge impact force, but the windows were still intact. She tried again, the computers 1Z0-808 dumps fuselage cracked, falling from her hand. Europe, Mom Both of them were suddenly thrown violently Testprepwell forward. Taxi stopped SSCP PDF SSCP PDF abruptly in a dark alley. Learnguidepdf SSCP PDF SSCP PDF Learnguidepdf Driver drilled out of the car, holding a pistol in his hand. Please, please She begged. The driver walked to the Learnguidepdf back Testprepwell half of Testprepwell the taxi, bent over and Testprepwell looked through the dirty glass to the back seat.

Shakes finally remembered the first of the police officers arriving at the 1Z0-808 dumps SSCP PDF scene to Cisco 300-101 Dump adapt to SSCP PDF the fourth rule P is to protect the scene of the murder. Angry horn started flooding the air Testprepwell in the early morning misty, quickly mixed into the drivers roar angry. A moment later, she heard sharp sirens also joined Learnguidepdf the dissonant noise, and the first police car Cisco 300-101 Dump arrived. Forty minutes later, the scene was already packed with uniformed police Learnguidepdf and criminal Cisco 300-101 Dump detectives, more than the usual number of murders in 1Z0-808 dumps Hells 1Z0-808 dumps Kitchen the famous crime zone in New SSCP PDF Yorks West End A lot of. In view of the shocking death of the victim, sending so many people does Learnguidepdf not seem excessive. However, Shakesi heard from other police officers that this was a big case Cisco 300-101 Dump and a media concern – the deceased was one of a group of travelers arriving at JFK Learnguidepdf last night SSCP PDF and they made a taxi 1Z0-808 dumps into the city, But never got home. Testprepwell CNN is reporting on the Cisco 300-101 Dump spot, the uniformed police officer 1Z0-808 dumps whispered to her. So when Emilia Shakesh saw the handsome Vince Piriti, the 1Z0-808 dumps head of the Criminal Investigation and Resource Scheduling Team climbed to 1Z0-808 dumps the top of the embankment overlooking the crime scene and stopped to beat him from time to time It is not particularly surprising when it comes to the dust on suits of thousands of dollars. However, 1Z0-808 dumps she was surprised. Piriti actually noticed her, Cisco 300-101 Dump and waving her past. He smoothed a little in his shaven clean face. She thought she would probably be applauded for the extraordinary performance of todays unruffled. Well done, saved the fingerprint on Testprepwell the iron ladder Maybe it will give her a little reward. The last hour SSCP PDF on duty on the last day. She will leave with glorious glory. He looked up and down at her. Policewoman, you are not a novice, right I think I will not mistake. Im sorry, sir Youre not Cisco 300-101 Dump a newbie, Im sure. Cisco 300-101 Dump Strictly speaking, she can not be considered. Although she entered Cisco 300-101 Dump the police only Learnguidepdf a short period of three years, unlike her other police at this age, most have nine to ten years of seniority. Before entering the police academy, Shakesi had been in society for several years. I do not understand what youre trying to ask. He seemed annoyed and the smile on his face disappeared. Are you the first policeman to arrive at the scene Yes, sir.


Neotenic Rules

Memory works as an archiver. For that reason, if it uses neotenic rules, the process of finding what’s looking for will be easier. So, using comfortable associations with concepts you want to learn, has been a good strategy for the memory to recover quickly what it has learned.

For instance, associating numbers with words that rhyme is the most basic example (one-once; two-you; three-tree, etc.). Moreover, according to Neuron magazine, these type of trick make several brain zones different to the hippocampus, put into operation. For example, perirhinal cortex that’s in charge of visual recognition will enhance.


Drink Caffeine Wisely

Beverages with caffeine upgrade mood, memory, productivity, and focus. In addition, these old-fashioned brews are full of flavonoids, antioxidants, and other helpful composites that promote and protect your brain and upsurge mental energy.

Read more about caffeine here

Open and Close your Hands

Researchers proved that closing your right hand for 90 seconds helps memory formation progress. In contrast, closing your left hand helps to recover stocked information in your memory.


Quit Smoking

It’s easy to say it than taking action, certainly. But, if you need extra motivation, know that smokers have a bigger grade of age-related memory deficiency and other memory complications than nonsmokers.

Individuals who smoke more than two cartons of cigs a day at midlife have a higher risk of getting dementia in old age contrasted with nonsmokers. However, persons who discontinue smoking by midlife and individuals who smoke fewer than half a carton daily have a comparable risk of dementia as those who have not ever smoked.


Brain Training Games

15 minutes practicing of brain training games every day, betters memory performance at work, executive functions, and processing speed, according to a study of Plos One magazine.


Sleep Well

Individuals who don’t sleep well at night are likely to be more inattentive than those who sleep peacefully. Besides, a good night’s sleep is important for strengthening memories. In addition, the most usual motive for deprived sleep is insomnia—trouble falling asleep or remaining asleep.

Unfortunately, several medicines used to care for insomnia can prejudice memory and general brain performance too. Consequently, that’s why it’s best to try recovering your sleep practices first and try to medication just if those actions don’t help.

At last, if you do require sleep aids, use the minimum dose for the shortest period needed to get your sleep back on track.



Just like standard exercise shapes bigger muscles and a fiercer heart, it increases brain volume as well.

In addition, exercise increases heights of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that promotes the realization of new brain cells and new neural networks

When you exercise, especially whe you do it outdoors, your vitality, preassure, self-esteem, and enthusiasm increase. On the other side, your depression, fatigue, stress, and tension will low. Your memory performance enhances by 20% after spending an hour communicating with nature.



It’s been proved that a 2 weeks training with a technic known as “mindfulness”, it’s possible to better reading comprehension, memory capability at work and concentration. For this reason, meditation is a powerful technic to boost memory.

In addition, a 20 minutes session of yoga has proved to ha an important, instant impact on working memory and attention.


Evade Trans Fats

Heart diseases, diabetes, stroke, cancer, obesity, and many other diseases are associated with trans fats intake. For instance, they harm the brain in different ways, promoting free radical damage, inflammation, compromising of cell membrane integrity. Also, they can inhibit chains of omega-3 fatty acids production. Read more about Fats here.


Moderate Alcohol Intakes

Drinking plentiful alcohol intensifies the chance for memory loss and dementia. Consequently, individuals with alcoholism have trouble achieving short-term memory duties, like memorizing lists.

Another kind of memory loss related to alcohol consumption is termed Korsakoff’s syndrome. As a result, in this disorder, long-term vitamin B1 lack linked to the toxic consequences of alcohol on the brain can generate unexpected and intense amnesia. Besides, in a few cases this memory loss is long-lasting, but if discovered promptly, can be retreated to some degree.


Close your Eyes

It looks like a simple act but is very effective. Researchers from the Surrey University of UK concluded that most individuals can remember even with 23% more efficiency (remember details with more precision) with eyes closed than open.


Manage your Stress.

The persistent tapping of regular stresses like limit pressures or minor disputes can surely distract you and affect your capability to concentrate and recall. However, the bigger trouble is a constant intuit of excessive anxiety—that can lead to memory damage. If you don’t have a plan in place for handling your stress, caring your memory is one purpose to get one. For instance, meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and a “mindful” method of living can all help.


Evade Sugars

Eating refined sugars is linked to learning disorders, depression, and memory formation. Consequently, High blood sugar levels tend to decrease hippocampus activity, Which is the brain part principally associated with memory.

In addition, sugar and its excesses are linked to mood instability, span attention, and short-term memory affection. Besides, it’s highly suspected to be a root of Alzheimer’s, also known as diabetes of the brain by experts. Read more about sugar effects here.

To accomplish this, you should read the nutritional labels of the products you usually eat and start removing those with the most added sugar. To know how to read nutritional labels of products click here.


Keep on Learning

The best exercise for your brain is studying and learning in the process. For this reason, you should always remain reading some articles, newspaper, researches, magazines, or other you like that bring new information to your brain to process.

Besides, when you stop learning, there some parts in your brain that begin to degenerate and unused neural networks start to fade away.

Fortunately, in recent times there’s too much information on your hand thanks to the internet, so, you must use it and use it well.


Protect your Brain From Injury.

Head distress is the main cause of memory loss and raises the risk of acquiring dementia. For this reason, you should always use the fitting equipment throughout high-speed actions and interaction sports. Also, you must wear seat belts when going on motor vehicles.

Car accidents are by far the most usual cause of brain damage, so, wearing seat belts significantly decreases the odds of serious head harm. Besides, you should wear a head covering when riding on a motorcycle, bicycling, skiing, and in-line skating.



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